What is new?
Here is a place where you can find what and when was added to our website.
22.07.2024 - v1.2
- improved translations of measurements in recipes
- improved translation of the form for User Profile
- recipe filter translated
08.07.2024 - v1.1
- fixed location of recipe icons for mobile phones
- added net carbs and fiber display when exist, added tooltip and new icon for carbs on recipe list
- added WHTR ratio to user profile
- added invite to create profile for registered users
- added recaptcha to register form, to filter some spam users
- added user first and last name to profile form extrated from registration
- improved recipe page, for mobile devices
27.04.2024 - v1.0
- added 51 new recipes
- all recipes now converted to metrics, no ounce or pounds, just grams
- improved keywords for better SEO
- added new page for Favourites recipes, now authenticated users can see their favourites recipes quicker, link availbale after login
- updated and improved sitemap
03.12.2023 - beta
- new functionality for registered users - user profile where macronutrient values will be automaticaly calculated based on the selected type of diet
- newsletter registration for notifications about new recipes and news on the website
- added preparation time on recipe pages
- a new page on the validity of counting calories
- recipe filtering has been improved
- added the ability to change the number of recipes on the page
05.09.2023 - alfa.v2
- added 50 new recipes
- several small fixes for spelling mistakes
- login and register pages got new background images
- added language switcher
- added new filtering menu for recipes
15.06.2023 - alfa.v1
- added 7 new recipes
- updated pictures to the current recipes
- 2-step login enabled, option available in user profile
- added email verification message for new accounts
- fixed the footer on the recipes page
- added a link to other recipes of the same category from the recipe page
- links on the home page have been fixed and photos have been added
26.05.2023 - alfa.v0
- This is our first release, finaly we are life! Now we need to work even harder ;)
© 2025, made by Keto Travelers